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Saturday, 26 November 2011

The fog

As I sleepily pulled open the blinds, something was different. It took me a few seconds to realise that everything had vanished. Mother Nature had pulled off one of her greatest illusions whilst I was asleep. All 800ft of glass, steel and concrete was gone in a theatrical flourish. Even the flashing beacon at the apex had disappeared. Canary Wharf had vanished along with everything else around it. David Copperfield couldn't have done it better.
Zipping up my jacket, I took my first step outside just as the damp scent hit my nostrils and rushed down into my lungs. Horizon was replaced by an eerie blanket of dense fog with nothing but silhouettes of bare trees to guide the way. The world seemed like a different place.
Journeying into the thick of it, I couldn't help but wonder what it means to feel lost. Sometimes we find ourselves in a personal fog with no sense of direction and our questions are greeted with silence. The sense of disorientation is so palpable; we forget that beyond the clouds is a bright shining sun of potential that has been there the whole time.
Some days are more dazzling than others and sometimes we just need to get caught in a fog in order to see things clearly.


  1. One time it occurred to me that fog banks are actually swarms of ghosts.

  2. It does seem other worldly sometimes. I really love that image. Thanks for reading!! :-)

  3. funny you should write about fog this week. I was caught in dense fog in and outside Amsterdam and it made me scared and it got me thinking that we actuaclly never see what is there ahead of us, even if we think we do, and sometimes hoping for the best is harder than others. and other times, it comes so easily... miss you and you should have been there with me naughty! xxx

  4. Ahh that is so true lovely! We never really know what is sometimes right in front of our eyes. Amsterdam is an amazing city and wish I could have come over. Will just have to fly over to Sao Paulo next year to see you. Xx

  5. I love fog (briefly... I miss the sun too much). I love being hugged by a cloud and the way sound changes. Mmmmm...

  6. I agree with you Mitch! Fog is nice in moderation... Ahhh that sounds beautiful. A big, fluffy cloud hug :-)

  7. I love fog, and I miss it so, here in New York City. No fog here, ever.
    The last lines of your blog remind me of a poem by Longfellow - although that one's on the rain - I posted on my blog a few weeks ago, accompanied by a photograph I took.

    I'm a professional actor myself. I moved from the UK to North America three years ago.
    I have a blog where I write on acting and anything else related to it.
    I was browsing for followers and came onto your blog.
    I think you might be interested in what I write. If that is so, I'd be happy if you became a follower and share opinions and comments.

    Great blog. And I love the font, very typewriter like. I used to use the same font for a blog I had years ago and before I bought my first computer, I used a typewriter for years.

    All the best,
    Jay Paoloni

  8. Hi Jay,
    Thanks so much for checking out my blog. Glad you like it. Fog makes me feel all cozy... Totally love NYC too. Would love to live there one day.
    I started reading your blog and really liked it. Found it very interesting and nicely written. Great stuff.
    Thanks again and I will definitely follow your blog mister!


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